Ahmed rozložil vyzvednuté dokumenty na stůl. Na jednom svazku ho zaujal emblém United Nations se zeměkoulí – titulek zněl „Addresing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants“.
Ahmed držel v ruce prozatímní návrh dokumentu, nazvaný 71/1 New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, vydaný Valným shromážděním OSN 19. září 2016. Ahmed četl v článku 4:
„In adopting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development one year ago, we recognized clearly the positive contribution made by migrants for inclusive growth and sustainable development. Our world is a better place for that contribution. The benefits and opportunities of safe, orderly and regular migration are substantial and are often underestimated…“
Dále v článku 11 Ahmed četl:
„Large movements of refugees and migrants must have comprehensive policy support, assistance and protection, consistent with States‘ obligations under international law…“
Dále v článku 14 Ahmed četl:
„We strongly condemn acts and manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance against refugees and migrants, and the stereotypes often applied to them, including on the basis of religion or belief. Diversity enriches every society and contributes to social cohesion. Demonizing refugees or migrants offends profoundly against the values of dignity and equality for every human being, to which we have committed ourselves. Gathered today at the United Nations, the birthplace and custodian of these universal values, we deplore all manifestations of xenophobia, racial discrimination and intolerance. We will take a range of steps to counter such attitudes and behaviour, in particular with regard to hate crimes, hate speech and racial violence. We welcome the global campaign proposed by the Secretary-General to counter xenophobia and we will implement it in cooperation with the United Nations and all relevant stakeholders, in accordance with international law. The campaign will emphasize, inter alia, direct personal contact between host communities and refugees and migrants and will highlight the positive contributions made by the latter, as well as our common humanity.“
Baterie v podzemním krytu zeslábla natolik, že provizorní světlo zhaslo. Ahmed svazek odložil.
Prozatím se Ahmed dozvěděl, že přispívá k inkluzivnímu růstu a udržitelnému rozvoji a že bude v tomto bezpečném a pravidelném přispívání chráněn všemi možnými prostředky.
Příště, až se znovu rozsvítí, se Ahmed dozví, že nemá žádné povinnosti.