29.12.2016 20:12 PROFIT & GROWTH
Chci popřát svým zaměstnancům do Nového roku. Sekretářka mi připravila text blahopřání, ke kterému připojím svůj podpis.
Zde je text blahopřání:
„Dear Colleagues,
With the end of the year approaching, my colleagues on the Board and I would like to wish you a wonderful and relaxing end year break and a joyful time with your families.
Over the past twelve months, we have all worked together to successfully improve best practices, while also launching projects of future relevance. This is all thanks to your commitment, your wide-ranging expertise, and the contributions you have made to achieving tangible improvements. We would like to thank all of you for your grand team effort !
A major focus of our activities in 2017 will be on strengthening our profitability. This will make us better prepared to tackle tomorrow’s challenges and to actively shape the changing face of our industry. I therefore ask all of you to support and commit to this mission so that we can all continue to build on our Company’s successful growth.
But first of all, it is time to enjoy your holidays. I wish you and your families the very best of health and happiness in the New Year !“
Mám šikovnou sekretářku. Nikdy nezapomene na to podstatné.
Předchozí sekretářku jsem musel vyhodit. Připravila mi skandální text blahopřání, kvůli kterému byli moji zaměstnanci celý rok dezorientovaní, nezdraví a nešťastní.
Posuďte sami:
„Dear Colleagues,
With the end of the year approaching, my colleagues on the Board and I would like to wish you a wonderful and relaxing end year break and a joyful time with your families.
It is time to enjoy your holidays. I wish you and your families the very best of health and happiness in the New Year !“